George Welbank

Male 1819 - 1891  (72 years)

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  • Name George Welbank 
    Birth 1819  London Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Christening 14 Mar 1819  St Marylebone, Westminster, Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Gender Male 
    Note 1832 
    Old Bailey Proceedings Online (, version 6.0, 05 December 2011), February 1832, trial of GEORGE WELLBANK (t18320216-281).

    GEORGE WELLBANK, Theft > simple larceny, 16th February 1832.
    789. GEORGE WELLBANK was indicted for stealing, on the 8th of February , 10 yards of printed cotton, value 5s. , the goods of Edward Belton .

    EDWARD BELTON. I keep a draper's shop in Lisson-grove . On the 8th of February, about half-past four o'clock, I was at home, but did not see this cotton taken.

    MICHAEL JOHNSON . I live next door to the prosecutor; I saw the prisoner and another boy for some time opposite my window; I watched them, and saw them run; I then went out; the prisoner had got the printed cotton, and dropped it on my rails; I suspected he had stolen it - I took it up, and he was pursued and taken; the other. boy got away; I am quite sure the prisoner is the person who was running with the cotton and dropped it; he only ran into the next street.

    THOMAS FURSEY . I am an officer. I have the property. (Property produced and sworn to.)

    Prisoner's Defence (written.) I passed the shop of the prosecutor; whilst doing so, a boy, who had taken a piece of print, threw it on the ground and ran away; a person from the shop ran after him, and I picked up the print, intending to keep it until the person who had gone in pursuit of the thief returned.

    GUILTY . Aged 13. - Transported for Seven Years .
    Note 16 Feb 1832  Transportation to Australia Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Name: George Wellbank
    Vessel: Southworth
    Convicted: 16 Feb 1832
    Colony: Van Dieman's Land
    Place of Conviction: Middlesex, England

    17 Mar 1832 received, Ship: Euryalus, Chatham. Age 13 
    Note Jun 1834  Tasmania Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Tasmania Convict Records, Conduct Record CON31/1/47

    June 14 1834 .../ Gross neglect of duty when in charge of his Masters Cattle & with strong suspicion of having wilfully and maliciously wounded a Cow with an Axe, 24 lashes on the Breech....
    Aug 18 1834 Idleness and refusing to work, 7 days solitary confinement on B & W [bread and water]
    January 24 1835 /Striking a fellow prisoner with a Stick and cutting his Head, 7 days to Wheel the Barrows at the Chain Gang
    January 27 1835 Chain Gang refusing to Wheel a Barrow, One Dozen lashes on the breech and afterwards 3 Months Grass Tree Hill Party on probation
    5 Feb 1835 - Feb 13 1835 Committing a Nuisance in the Barrack Yard, 3 days to Wheel the barrows in the Chain Gang
    March 17 1835 Strongly recommended to be removed to Port Arthur in order to seperate him from the Worst Characters employed at this Station
    March 21 1835 Striking a fellow Prisoner, Imprisoned ans hard labour in chains 3 months, Grass Tree Hill Chain Gang recommended, and then to remain in the Road.
    May 1 1835 Using of very insolent and improper language in the School Room, 12 lashes on the Breech
    Aug 28 1835 Trafficking, 3 days solitary Confinement
    Sept 3 1835 Talking & making a noise while at work in Shop, 3 days solitary confinement
    Sept 8 1835 Insolent conduct when visited by the Surgeon in the cells, 3 days solitary confinement
    Dec 17th 1835 Refusing to work, 14 days in irons
    Jan 15th 1836 Frequent insolent conduct towards an Overseer in the execution of his duty, 15 lashes on the breech,
    April 30th 1836 Tearing the leaves out of his Copy book & not accounting for the same
    May 20th 1836 Having articles in his posession for which he cannot satisfactorily account, 3 days solitary confinement
    Aug 20 1836 Acting in a most malicious manner towards a fellow prisoner, 10 days solitary confinement. 
    Note 17 Apr 1841  Ballarat NSW Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Boot and Shoe Maker,
    RESPECTFULLY informs the public
    that he has commenced business in
    the house lately occupied by Mr Draper
    and as it is his intention to use the best
    of materials, and employ the best of
    workmen, he hopes to gain that share
    of support which it will be his constant
    study to merit.
    (Geelong Advertiser) 
    Note 24 Jul 1841  Geelong Petty Sessions Find all individuals with events at this location 
    On 24 July 1841, at the Geelong Petty Sessions, Theresa Carey charged Geo Wellbank with threatening her life if she did not marry him and for assaulting her. He was bound over in the sum of 50 pounds to be of good behaviour with two sureties, George Abbott and John Moon, each in the sum of 20 pounds. This recognizance was attached to the depositions relating to the assault on the Police (see VPRS 109 Unit 1, p. 461-2; VPRS Series 30P Box 185 NCR 21).

    Judge Willis Casebooks, Royal Historical Society of Victoria. 
    Note 16 Feb 1842 
    13. Transcript of Trial of George Wellbank for an Assault on a Constable
    Willis Note Book No 13 page 24
    Febry 16th 1842
    George Wellbank : Assault on Constable
    Patrick Ryan Sworn
    Constable at Geelong - knows the Pris'r - on the 25th of Jan'y in the Evening I was on duty accompanied by Constable Roche at Nth Corio - we heard a fight in the Commercial Hotel - We went in & the two men that were fighting we took in charge (the Pris'r was not one) we took them into Custody - When Pris'r hit me a Kick in the Fork - we came out & Roche was Knocked down & I saw Pris'r leaping on him when he was down - he leapt on him once & ran away. 
    Note 31 Oct 1842  Geelong Advertiser Find all individuals with events at this location 
    COMMITTAL -On T'hursday last, a notorious scamp of the name of Welbank, was committ~d to take his trial for stealing a double barrelled gun, the property of Dr. Coward. The prisoner was a patient of that gentleman, and committed the theft while indebted to his hospitality. The prisoner took the gun to the scourger, and offered it for sale, avowing that he had stole it. He afterwards threatened to throw it in the river; whereupon the scouger purchased the gun; and then informed against him.
    Welbank was at one time a pet of the bench, and was allowed the run of the Government huts. The scourger is also a public character, and has been carrying on with a high hand. When this case comes before Judge Willis, we expect that several disclosures respecting prison discipline and police life will be made public. 
    Note 28 May 1843  Geelong Advertiser Find all individuals with events at this location 
    AFFRAY.-At the Police-office on Wednesday last, that notorious character George. Wellbank, was brought up on a charge of having fired a loaded gun at a mob of men, women,and children in the' public street. On examination of several witnesses, it appeared that, on Christmas day, the prisoner had quarrelled with some Irishmen in South Geelong and that he had taunted them with their country , and religion, whereupon a regular row took place; the "faction" mustered in great 'force, and the prisoner was compelled to run for his life, folliowed by a mob of all ages and sexes, armed with sticks and stones, shouting .and cursing. The prisoner having reached his own house, he seized a gun, and went into the yard, determined to oppose the besiegers to the death. Being, as he and witnesses declared, in danger of.his life, he fired off the gun; some said in the air, and others at the mob. The Bench having taken all. the circumstances of the case into consideration, fined the prisoner in the sum of :ten.shiilings.
    After the charge had been disposed of, the prisoner was arraigned for an assault on one. of the aforesaid mob,.by striking him with. a stick and knocking his hat off. It appeared that the person so assaulted was not taking part in the fight at the time; and the prisoner was accordingly fined in the sum of sixty shillings and costs. -,
    There is something so extraordinary in this, case, that we cannot pass it over without a few remarks. The prisoner is well, known to be a most quarrelsome and troublesome character, and well deserved the punishment he received. . But was he alone to blame ? It was proved in evidence that the Chief Constable was present at the fray; and yet the cowardly and blood thirsty.mob. who pursued the prisoner with sticks and stones were allowed to go scathless, although the Chief Cohstable must have marked the ringleaders. Were it not that the affair was, altogether one of a religious and national character, we should be somewhat more severe in animadverting upon the conduct of ;the parties -:concerned. But it is not our wish to stir up strife on such subjects especially, at this season, and shall therefore abruptly drop the subject. 
    Note 22 Nov 1845  Port Philip Gazette Find all individuals with events at this location 
    [trial of Evelina Mells for perjury, in the trial of William Rae for the shooting of a filly. George Welbank was a witness for the prosecution and said he had seen the shooting, he had driven the injured filly off his land down to the creek where she was found dead some time later; Evelina testified that George Welbank had shot the animal]

    William Ray, late of Geelong, was indicted for feloniously, wilfully, and maliciously shooting a filly mare, value £10, the property of Edward Willis, at Geelong, on the 17th July. The prisoner pleaded not guilty,
    The Crown Prosecutor said the prisoner was indicted under the. 16th section 9th Geo. IV., cap. 30. Tbe circumstances of the case were of the most extraordinary description, and the judge, jury, and auditory, were horrified at the gross perjury which was committed by the witnesses in this case, those for the defence contradicting point blank that which was positively sworn to by the witnesses for the prosecution.
    The principal witness for the Crown, was George Wellbank, who admitted he had been transported to Van Diemen's Land, at the early age of 12 years, and had been since several times tried for various offences, he swore that on Monday, 7th of July, he saw the prisoner chasing the filly in question in a paddock and throwing stones at it ; finding it impossible to turn the filly out of the paddock, the prisoner went into Mells' house, where he was lodging, and brought out a fowling piece, he then walked to the corner of the fence aud when at a distance of five or six yards from the filly, he raised the gun and fired, the animal then fell wounded, but recovered itself and ran several yards, where it stood, supporting itself with its nose to the ground ; the moment the gun was fired the prisoner ran in the house followed by the witness, who called out to him to stop, but without effect ; Welbank went in to Mells' house, and addressing Mrs Mells, said " Ray has shot that filly" upon which Mrs Mells said no gun has been fired off here, when the witness insisted such had been the case, Mrs Mells said it had onIy been done to frighten the filly, and he need not make such a fuss about it.

    George Wellbank? I live in Newtown near Geelong . I recollect the 7th July last: I know Rae, he was living at Mells on the 7th July ; I lived about 60 yards from them ; on that day I saw Rae on a piebald filly ; I saw Rae on a Timor poney chace it, and pelt it ; when he dismounted he went into the house; I believe he had a stock whip when he chased the filly ; I afterwards saw him come out of Mells house; he had a gun with him : the filly was outside the garden fence : I saw Rae fire the shot, when he did so the filly which was wounded run on my ground ; I afterwards saw the filly dead.

    Cross-examined: I get my living by work; I do not now employ Journeymen; I have done so at different times; I had a alight acquaintance with the other court-house; I was tried there twice; I was in Van Diemen's Land; I also know Port Arthur; I won't indulge you so much as to tell you how long I was their; my history don't concern you.
    I often go out shooting; if what Mrs Mells swore to is true, what I swear is false, of course it must be ; directly the shot was fired I ran to the filly. (The witness was here examined at considerable length upon the situation of himself, Rae, and the filly);
    when the shot was fired the sun had not set; if any person swore that the first gun that was fired in the neighbourhood of Mells house was after sunset, they would have sworn falsly.
    By the Court - I saw the muzzle of the gun ; It was from five to ten yards from the filly.
    Br Mr. Stephen - I did not examine the wound that night when I first saw It ; I saw the blood quite fresh; when l went to speak lo Mrs. Mells the filly was standIng near the door; the reason 1 drove the filly off was, that I did not wish It to be seen on my ground because it was likely people would think I did it ; I was never charged with cruelly to animals ; I was not considered a very bad character at Port Arthur; I arrived at Van Dieman's land upwards of ten year ago ; I might then have been thirteen years of age; 1 ought to know Wise the overseer at Port Arthur, and Moosey, and Captain Booth the commandant ; shortly after the shot was fired I went up and said "Rae you have shot filly," he appeared confused ; I might have mentioned to tbe chief constable that Corbett knew something of the case; I know Fitzgerald, I asked him if he knew anything about the case, that was since Rae's trial ; I did not see either Payne or Russell thai evening; I know Somerviile, on my oath I never said to hlm that seven years would do Rae all the world of good; I know Thomas Reed; to my recollection I never said to him that I was obliged to make the charge against Rea or I should have got into it myself or anything to that effect ; I never said seven years would do Rae good; I first remarked the circumstance to Slattery that evening; I should say he saw the shot fired; I saw Slattery at New Town last week.
    Re-examined - Reid and I are not on good terms ; Reed said at the Court of Requests to me " that I had better take care or I should not come back from Melbourne"; I asked what he meant, he aald about what I said when we were looking after the heifer ; I replied that he would swear anythlng ; Rae and I never quarrelled ; I was not actuated by any malicious feeling in coming forward in thls case.
    By a Juror - I don't think I live with another man's wife,. her husband Is dead.
    A Juror here complained that the witness had said the Juror had better take another glass.
    Witness - No, I sald he had belter get an eye glass.(Laughter).
    His Honor said had he heard the observation he should have committed the witness.
    Crown Prosecutor - You may go down.
    Note 21 Nov 1849  Geelong Advertiser Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Assaulting a Publican.-George Wellbank and William Roy, were charged yesterday morning by Mr Roach, landlord of the Rising Sun, with assaulting him, and causing a quantity of brandy, the value of £5 10s, to be lost. Complainant stated, that on Monday afternoon last, the two defendants with another person came into his house and called for a glass of ale each. He served them, when Wellbank took up his glass and said "do you call this ale," and the next instant dashed it in his face. Roy then struck at him, and Wellbank opening the door of the bar, kicked him in the face and tore his trowsers. Ie (prosecutor) called for assistance, when two men rushed in and dragged defendants off. While in the bar, Wellbank kicked out the tap of a brandy cask, when liquor to the value of £5 10s was lost; prosecutor swore that he never gave either of the men any provocation for the assault they committed on him. William Lloyd (late constable) corroborated the statement of Mr Roach as to the assault. Another witness was called in support of the complaint, but prevaricated in his evidence under the cross-examination of the defendant Wellbank.
    Wellbank in his defence said, that while very drunk he, in company with the other defendant and another person, went into Mr Roache's house on the previous afternoon and called for a glass of ale each. The glass that was served to him was full of flies, when, being intoxicated and naturally hot-tempered, he flung the ale in the landlord's face. The landlord then took up two ginger-beer bottles in order to strike, when he rushed into the bar to prevent him; at the same moment he was thrown down on the ground by two men, and while they knelt on his chest a third was striking him over the head with a ginger beer bottle. Defendant said if he had commenced the assault, it was evident he and Roy had got the worst, for they were both disfigured and suffering from the blows and kicks they had received, while the complainant, who made so much out of the affair, had not got a scratch to show.
    The police magistrate said, the assault was an unjustifiable one, and he should fine Wellbank £4, and Roy, who did not appear to have acted quite so violently, £2, or in default, the former to one month, and the latter to fourteen days' imprisonment.

    Note 22 Jul 1851  Geelong Advertiser Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Wellbank v. Smith.--The plaintiff was the pledger, the defendant the pledgee or pawnbroker, who had taken the pledge but had not kept it. The plaintiff it appeared got ten shillings change out of a coat, and a similar sum was advanced on a very similar coat, to another gentleman in emergency, by the benevolent pawnbroker .
    : _Who freely lends to all the poor
    Who leave a pledge behind.
    Mr. Wellbank applied for his coat, but it was not to be found. He presented his card,
    ' That's the ticket' said the pawnbroker, ' but the coat is gone, I'll give you fifty shillins.'
    'Won't do,' said Mr Wellbank, 'it cost me four pound ten four years ago, and I never had it on six times i' my life.'
    'Go to court,' said the pawnbroker, 'if you're so sharp,' and Mr Wellbank took his advice.
    'It was a common sort of coat.,' "said the the pawnbroker's clerk, 'worn white under the arm, and a split in it.'
    'How d'yo know,' said Mr Wellbank, 'did you take it in ?'
    'No!' said the pawnbroker's clerk.
    ' Then you did not see it,' said Welbank, ''cept you open your master's parcels that's a pretty system of doing business, say you know nothing about it. that's just it; it was a beautiful coat I'm particular in my garments your worships, an' as a respectable man, its next kin to an insult to ask me to wear my coat arter its been on another fellow's back for six weeks.'
    Mr Wellbank recovered three pounds, and then remarked Mr Wellbank, 'I was unable to go to Melbourne for want of a coat, I think I ought to
    have some compensation for that.' Mr Wellbank asked too much.

    Note 27 Sept 1852  Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer Find all individuals with events at this location 
    RETURN of Gold escorted from Ballarat to Geelong, September 25th.

    R. Mangrove and George Welbank ................ 120 oz 16 dwt 
    Note 9 May 1854  Geelong Advertiser & Intelligencer Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Furious riding - George Wellbank was charged with riding furiousliy down Church-street, Kildare. on Sunday last, to the great endangerment of the lives of her Majesty's subjects..Wellbank said it was a case of necessity which induced him to ride in the manner described; that when in Kildare, he fancied he was out of the limits of .the Corporation Act and could do as he liked.
    The Mayor said that if he was so ignorant of the law, he must be taught better by paying a fine of £10, or 14-days' imprisonment.
    Note 30th October 1857  Ballarat Star Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Thursday, 29th October.
    (Before G. W. Sherard, and S. Irwin, Esqrs ,J.P.'s)
    Adolphe Kaul appeared to prosecute one Wellbank, for using obscene and threatening language against him. Prosecutor deposed that the defendant entered his shop the day before yesterday, and told him he was a robber, on account of having sold the defendant's wife a certain gold ring for a certain price ; also, that he conducted himself generally in an insulting manner, whereby a breach of the peace might be occasioned. Mr J. R. Bailey deposed that he happened to be a witness to the affair in question, and from seeing a large gathering of people and the defendant behaving somewhat violently, he thought proper to inform the police thereof. Defendant - whom their Worships did not commit forcontempt of court, and who bade Sergeant Bolton " shut up"-did his best to induce the Bench to regard the matter after his own notion, viz , that the prosecutor had practised a robbery by charging his (defendant's) wife 25s for a ring consisting of 11?2dwts. of gold, and had thereby rendered himself liable to be called a swindler and robber in the public streets. Their Worships fined him in the penalty of £5 or one fortnight's imprisonment.

    Note 4 Mar 1864  Ballarat Star Find all individuals with events at this location 
    DISORDERLY CONDUCT.- George Wellbank was charged with creating a disturbance in the gallery of the Theatre Royal, on the previous evening. Mr Jeffrey, who appeared for the prisoner, contended that the Theatre was not a public place within the meaning of the Act. The Bench, however was of a different opinion. The prisoner alleged that he merely objected to give up his seat to some other person when he was roughly handled by several persons in the gallery and ejected. The arresting constable, however, stated that he had used bad language in the gallery, in the presence of a number of ladies. The Bench inflicted a fine of 10s. or twelve hours' imprisonment.
    Note 25 Nov 1864  Ballarat Star Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Wellbank v Crampton, assault. This was a very trumpery case. The plaintiff in friendship, as he said, placed his hand over the defendant's eyes, and asked him to guess and he would shout, but the defendant disdaining such a familiarity, pushed the plaintiff away and struck him in the face, knocking him into the gutter in Armstrong street. The defendant was fined 6s or six hours' imprisonment.
    Note 28 Jun 1867  Ballarat Star Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Stealing Firewood. Elizabeth Welbank was charged with having stolen some firewood belonging to Mr Knight, brewer, Lydiard street. The prosecutor stated that he had frequently been in the habit of losing firewood, and accordingly watched the prisoner, who lived in the neighborhood, and was seen by Constable Settings with some of the wood in her possession. The prosecutor stated he did not wish to press the charge, the worth of the wood being but trflling. His only object being to put a stop to such depredations. The prisoner's husband appeared anxious for a postponement to produce evidence as to character, but Mr Cliasold obviated any necessity for such a course by discharging the prisoner, as it was her first offence, and cautioning her that if any wood was missed again, and she was found guilty, she would be severely dealt with.  
    Note Jan 1871  Ballarat Courier Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Cause Iist Police v Wilkie, not having his name on his dray: fined 5 and costs. Same v Tenrney and several other similar cases; like rules.
    Same v Welbank, threatening language. The defendant, who appeared In court apparently under the influence of drink, was ordered to be locked up for twenty hours, the case being postponed. 
    Note 15 Aug 1874  Ballarat Star Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Cause List. J.W. Turner v G. Wellbank,assault, damages £2O; Mr Lewis for the defendant. The plaintiff deposed that defendant met him in a lane near his house on the 12th inst., and said to him, "you scoundrel, you have disfranchised me,and I'll punch you," at the same time assaulting plaintiff. William Powell stated that he saw Wellbank striking at plaintiff, but did not know what the row was about. Mr Lewis said defendant had gone to the polling-booth to vote on the day of election, and found that he had been disfranchised by Turner having paid the rate of the house in his own name. Being annoyed at plaintiff's conduct he had returned home and struck him. Defendant pleaded guilty to striking Turner, but did not hurt him severely, as he was afraid to do so on account of plaintiff's age.
    An order was made for 40s, with 15s costs.  
    Note 13 Dec 1875  Ballarat Star Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Ballarat Coursing Club
    Mr Welbank's w and f d Tommy Dodds, sire
    Nelson, dam Lassie, dam's owner Mr Welbanks. 
    Burial Dec 1891  Ballarat New Cemetery 1233 Doveton Street North Invermay Park, Ballarat City, Victoria Australia Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Death 15 Dec 1891  Ballarat, Victoria, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Person ID I565  Welbank1
    Last Modified 13 Nov 2021 

    Father Joseph Welbank,   c. 21 Mar 1770, St Michael, New Malton, Yorks Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Mother Elizabeth Russell 
    Marriage 6 Jan 1815  St Leonard, New Malton,York, England Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Family ID F88  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family 1 Mary Anne Harford 
     1. Elizabeth Welbank,   b. 1843, Ballarat, Victoria, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location
    +2. Rosanna Welbank,   b. 1845
     3. Mary Ann Welbank,   b. 1849, Geelong, Victoria, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location
    +4. Emily Jane Welbank,   b. 1851
    Family ID F277  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 1 Jun 2020 

    Family 2 Keziah Chandler,   b. 1826   d. 24 Dec 1890 (Age 64 years) 
    Marriage 1885 
    Family ID F278  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 26 Jul 2020